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chicken pox例...
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She had chicken - pox and was covered in spots.


His forehead was pitted by chicken pox.


If you get this injection, you all be immune to chicken pox.

(如果你接受注射, 就能对水斗有免疫力. )

chicken pox ( or varicella ): Contagious viral disease producing itchy Blisters.

水痘: 传染性病毒病,其特征为皮肤出现水泡.

The little boy was diseased with chicken pox in the kindergarten.


She had chicken pox and was covered in spots.


Some diseases are contagious 'u2013 like colds, flu and chicken pox.

有些疾病是有传染性的,比如感冒, 流感,水痘.

What kind of is the chicken pox since dot?

小孩子起水痘是什么样的 呀 ?

They may catch other infections such as measles or chicken - pox.


Nasolacrimal duct obstruction following chicken pox.


chicken pox is a common childhood sickness.


chicken pox is a contagious disease.


Loneliness may not be a disease, at least not the same way that chicken pox is.

寂寞可能算不上是一种疾病, 至少不像水痘那样.

Viruses cause many common diseases, including mumps, measles, small pox, chicken pox, and influenza.

病毒造成多种常见疾病.包括流行性腮腺炎, 麻疹, 天花, 水痘和流感.

Lynette: It is not the Ebola Virus, it's chicken pox. You are being a baby.

又不是埃博拉病毒, 是水痘. 别跟个小孩子似的.

"chicken pox"的基本信息





